Contact Form 7 Dynamic Vars

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About Contact Form 7 Dynamic Vars

Adds a Contact Form 7 Dynamic Vars and a code highlighter for contact form 7 forms. ADD-on. Requires Contact Form 7 Plugin.






updated: 7 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: albertdesinger


Creating dynamic variables with your contact form 7 could never be easier. We bring you this plugin with which you can call in both text fields and html elements such as paragraphs, titles, ETC so have a better efficiency in the development of your forms in wordpress.

Dynamic variables are basically called in two ways:

[Dinamic_vars ‘dinamic_var: mivariable’]:

This form is a very subtle moment to call variables and display them in an HTML element without creating any text input example Hi world [dinamic_vars ‘dinamic_var: mivariable’] where the value containing the variable ‘Mivariable’.

Another way is to insert dynamic variables into the input, whether they are buttons, text fields, hidden fields, etc. An example inserting a value into a created button:

[Submit “dinamic_var: mivariable”]
In this way the VALUE of the button will get the value that has the variable ‘mivariable’.