Chat Bro Live Group Chat

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About Chat Bro Live Group Chat

Chat Bro - live Chat for your website. Turns your Telegram Chat or VK Chat into Live Chat on your website. Allows your visitors to Chat in live group …






updated: 1 year ago
since: 8 years ago
author: ChatBro


ChatBro – live group chat for your website.

Why ChatBro?

  • Support Telegram, VK chats and channels
  • Audio, photo and video previews
  • Web chat constructor
  • Mobile ready
  • Very fast
  • Indexed by search robots

Easy Installation

After installing the plugin just name your chat. Chat can be easily configured with visual chat constructor tool. You can change color scheme, size, initial state, etc.

Link with Telegram

Add @chatbrobot to your Telegram chat or channel. Send /sync command in case of channel. You’ll receive sync url from bot.

Group chat is better than privates with operators

Most people just read chat and see admin’s reactions to realize that the website is functional and adequate. You can chat with visitor in private if needed.

Open Source

ChatBro plugin is an open source project. You can get the source code from GitHub.
Pull requests are welcome.