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About ChordChartWP

Users write shortcodes of text tab notation which will be then be parsed and rendered as svg chord chart images.






updated: 5 years ago
since: 5 years ago


This is a wordpress shortcode for the javascript library chordography2 (
It is easy to use, plug and play, and can be intensively costumized with several parameters.

The database of chords are designed for guitar and are only the major non-chromatic chord “A,B,C,D,E,F,G”. This
will grow and will be updated in the future.

To visualize a chord from the database write

[chordChart title="C"]

For more chords from the database

[chordChart title="A,B,C,D,E,F,G"]

For custom chords

[chordChart title="Am7,DM7" frets="x02010,x57675" labels="xx2x1x,x13241"]

For mixed of chords from database and custom chords

[chordChart title="C,D,Em" frets=",,022000" labels=",,x12xxx"]

For chord in higher position of the neck you could use parantheses to define them

[chordChart title="C" frets="8(10)(10)988" labels="134211"]

User could also ignore the label parameter but then the barre sign will not be rendered for E-shape and A-shape chords.

To change the style, you could use parameter such as style=”pretty” or cellHeight=34, etc.,. in the short code. The other parameter can be found in the file