Christian Science Bible Lesson Subjects

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About Christian Science Bible Lesson Subjects

Provides configurable widget and shortcode for displaying upcoming weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson subjects.






updated: 2 months ago
since: 14 years ago


Display upcoming Christian Science Bible Lesson topics in any widget area on your site. Also includes shortcode and Spanish translation. Bonus new feature: Embed CSPS Internet Radio player in your site.

Widget Features:

  • Select number of upcoming subjects to display (default is 3 weeks)
  • Select whether to display ‘more info’ link to
  • Configure number of days in advance of Thanksgiving Day service to display explanatory message
  • Option to disable Thanksgiving Day message if desired


Christian Science Bible Lesson topics shortcode

Insert [cs_subject_of_the_week] into any post or page to insert the default number of upcoming subjects

Optional shortcode parameters

[cs_subject_of_the_week weeks_to_display="3" display_more_info_link="1" thanksgiving_days_in_advance="30"]
  • weeks_to_display – configure number of weeks in advance to display
  • display_more_info_link – Set to ‘1’ to show more info link, ‘0’ to hide (Default)
  • thanksgiving_days_in_advance – Set to 0 to disable, or number of days in advance of Thanksgiving Day to show special message

CSPS Internet Radio embed shortcode

Insert [csps_internet_radio] in post or page to embed the player

Optional shortcode parameters

[csps_internet_radio customize_player=false show_title_bar=true iframe_height="380" iframe_width="100%"]
  • customize_player – Default is false, load standard script directly from JSH site
  • show_title_bar – Include the standard title bar graphic for the player? Default is true
  • iframe_height – height of embedded playlist iframe – Default is 380 (px)
  • iframe_width – width of embedded playlist iframe – Default is 100%