Classic Quiz Feedback Survey

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About Classic Quiz Feedback Survey

Easily create quiz, feedback and survey forms in your website with shortcode.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 4 years ago
author: Amit Biswas


“Classic quiz feedback survey (CQFS)” is a simple WordPress plugin for quiz, feedback and survey. It is easy to use and maintain. You can create 3 types of forms with multiple choice questions. Questions can be assigned by categories. This plugin creates basically 3 custom post types.

  1. Questions
  2. Build
  3. Entries

Where “questions” post type contains all questions that you create. “Build” post type creates the form for quiz, feedback or survey. The “entry” post type contains data submitted by user.

This plugin has no third party dependency. Plain JavaScript is used for form validation to ajax form submission. jQuery is not used at all.

Show them everywhere. Load and display your CQFS forms in any page or post with single shortcode!


  • Simple & Intuitive
  • Quiz Form
  • Feedback Form
  • Survey Form
  • Radio Input
  • Checkbox Input
  • Paginated Form
  • Featured Image
  • Shortcode
  • Guest Submission
  • Extensive Documentation
