MomentoPress for Momento360

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About MomentoPress for Momento360

Add 360° VR photos and videos easily to your WordPress site using MomentoPress for Momento360.






updated: 11 months ago
since: 7 years ago
author: Chris Yee


MomentoPress is a free WordPress plugin for displaying 360° VR photos and videos uploaded to Momento360.

Feel free to let me know if you use MomentoPress in one of your websites.

View Demo


  • Very easy and simple to use
  • View 360° VR photos and videos uploaded to Momento360
  • Works with computers, tablets, smartphones
  • Compatible with Google Cardboard
  • It’s responsive!


Getting Started

  1. Upload a 360° VR image or video to Momento360.
  2. Get the share link to the image or video on Momento360.
  3. Paste the share link in the url parameter of the [momentopress] shortcode.

Shortcode Example

[momentopress url=]

Shortcode Parameters

  • url – The share link to the 360° VR image or video on Momento360