We'll create fresh WordPress site with Google Maps CP installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Google Map features:
► Insert a Google map in the best position within your blog
► Deal with large volumes of dots or markers on the Google Maps
► Uses Google Maps to discover additional entries related to the post
► The location can be defined by physical address and point coordinates
► Map markers customization
► Allows to embed Google Maps in multiple languages
► Allows several Google Maps controls and configuration options
Google Maps CP allows to insert a Google Maps in a post or in any of the WordPress templates that display multiple posts.
The Google Maps inserted in a single post displays a marker at the position indicated by the geolocation information pertaining to the post, but also shows markers of the last posts published in related categories. The number of markers to display on the Google Maps can be set in the plugin’s settings.
The Google Maps inserted into a template displaying multiple posts will contain as many markers as posts making up the page with the associated geolocation info. When the mouse is hovered over the marker, the post to which it belongs gets highlighted.
Google Maps has a wide range of settings to make your maps more versatile and adaptable.
More about the Main Features of Google Maps CP:
Premium Features of Google Maps CP:
The third, and most extended version of the plugin is the “Developer Version”. The Developer version of the Google Maps CP plugin includes all features of the Premium version, and the features listed below:
Developer Features of Google Maps CP
Demo of the Developer Version of Google Maps CP Plugin
Note 1: To display all points that belong to a specific category in the same Google Map, it is required to insert the following shortcode [codepeople-post-map cat="3"]
. The number 3 represent the category ID, replace this number by the corresponding category’s ID. To insert the code directly in a template, the snippet of code would be:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[codepeople-post-map cat="3"]'); ?>
Note 2: To display all points that belong to more than one category in a same Google Map, separate the categories IDs with the comma symbol [codepeople-post-map cat="3,5"]
. The numbers 3 y 5 are the categories IDs, replace these numbers by the corresponding categories IDs. To insert the code directly in a template, the snippet of code would be:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[codepeople-post-map cat="3,5"]'); ?>
Note 3: To display all points defined in the website in a same Google Map, use -1 as the category’s ID:
[codepeople-post-map cat="-1"]
<?php echo do_shortcode('[codepeople-post-map cat="-1"]'); ?> for template.
Note 4: To display all points that belong to the posts with a specific tag assigned in a same Google Map, for example the tag name “mytag”, use the shortcode’s attribute “tag”, as follows: [codepeople-post-map tag="mytag"]
. To insert the code directly in a template, the snippet of code would be:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[codepeople-post-map tag="mytag"]'); ?>
Note 5: To display the points belonging to specific posts or pages in a same Google Map, enter their ids separated by comma through the “id” attribute in the shortcode as follows: [codepeople-post-map id="123"]
. To insert the code directly in a template, the snippet of code would be:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[codepeople-post-map id="123"]'); ?>
The “id” attribute has preference over the rest of the filtering attributes.
If you prefer configure your map directly from the shortcode, then you must enter an attribute for each map feature to specify. For example:
[codepeople-post-map width="500" height="500"]
The complete list of allowed attributes are:
Very Important. Some of attributes are available only in the premium and developer versions of the plugin.
width: Values allowed, number or percentage. Defines the map’s width:
[codepeople-post-map width="300"]
[codepeople-post-map width="100%"]
height: Values allowed, number or percentage (In the web’s development, the height in percentage is effective only if the parent element has a height defined). Defines the map’s height:
[codepeople-post-map height="300"]
align: Values allowed, left, right, center. Aligns the map’s container to the left, right or center:
[codepeople-post-map align="center"]
dynamic_zoom: Values allowed, 1 or 0. Adjust the zoom of map dynamically to display all points on map at the same time:
[codepeople-post-map dynamic_zoom="1"]
zoom: Accepts a number to define the map’s zoom. To apply a zoom to the map, the dynamic zoom should be 0:
[codepeople-post-map dynamic_zoom="0" zoom="5"]
type: Values allowed, SATELLITE, ROADMAP, TERRAIN and HYBRID. Select the type of map to display:
[codepeople-post-map type="ROADMAP"]
language: Values allowed, en for English, es for Spanish, pt for Portuguese, etc. (for the complete list, check the Google Maps documentation). Select a language to display on map:
[codepeople-post-map language="en"]
route: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Draw or not the route between points in a same post or page:
[codepeople-post-map route="1"]
mode: Values allowed, DRIVING, BICYCLING and WALKING. Define the type of route:
[codepeople-post-map route="1" mode="DRIVING"]
show_window: Values allowed, 0 or 1. To enable or disable the infowindows:
[codepeople-post-map show_window="1" ]
show_default: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Display or not an infowindow expanded by default:
[codepeople-post-map show_window="1" show_default="1"]
markerclusterer: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Displays a cluster with the number of points in an area:
[codepeople-post-map markerclusterer="1"]
mousewheel: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Enables the map’s zoom with the mouse wheel:
[codepeople-post-map mousewheel="1"]
zoompancontrol: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Displays or hide the zoom controls in the Google Maps:
[codepeople-post-map zoompancontrol="1"]
typecontrol: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Displays or hide the type control in the Google Map:
[codepeople-post-map typecontrol="1"]
streetviewcontrol: Values allowed, 0 or 1. Displays or hide the street-view control in the Google Map:
[codepeople-post-map streetviewcontrol="1"]
defaultpost: Defines the post ID, for centring the map, and display by default the infowindow corresponding to the first point associated to this post:
[codepeople-post-map defaultpost="396"]
center: To define the center of the map, but if the infowindows are configured to be opened by default, the map will be centered in the point with the infowindow opened:
[codepeople-post-map center="40.7127837,-74.00594130000002"]
legend: Accepts a taxonomy name as value. Some common taxonomies names are: category and post_tag, for the categories and tags, respectively. Displays the legend with the list of elements that belong to the taxonomy and are assigned to the posts associated with the points:
[codepeople-post-map legend="category"]
legend_title: Text to be used as legend title:
[codepeople-post-map legend="category" legend_title="Select the categories to display on map"]
legend_class: Class name to be assigned to the legend. The legend design may be modified through CSS styles. Creates a class name, with the styles definition, and associates the new class name to the legend through the legend_class attribute:
[codepeople-post-map legend="category" legend_class="my-legend-class"]
tag: Tags slugs separated by “,”. Displays on map the points whose posts have assigned the tags:
[codepeople-post-map tag="tag1,tag2,tag3"]
cat: Categories IDs separated by “,” or -1. Displays on map the points whose posts belong to the categories. The special value -1, allows display on map all points defined in the website:
[codepeople-post-map cat="2,4,56"]
[codepeople-post-map cat="-1"]
excludecat: Categories IDs to exclude, separated by “,”. From points to be displayed on map, the plugin excludes the points whose posts belong to the categories to exclude:
[codepeople-post-map tag="tag1,tag2" excludecat="4"]
excludepost: Posts IDs to exclude separated by “,”:
[codepeople-post-map cat="-1" excludepost="235,260"]
excludetag: Tags IDs to exclude separated by “,”:
[codepeople-post-map excludetag="2,13"]
taxonomy: The taxonomy is a special attribute that should be combined with other attributes, depending of taxonomies to use for points filtering. Suppose the website includes two new taxonomies: taxonomyA and taxonomyB, and the map should display all points that belong to the posts with the value T1 for taxonomyA, and T3,T4 for taxonomyB, the shortcode would be:
[codepeople-post-map taxonomy="taxonomyA,taxonomyB" taxonomyA="T1" taxonomyB="t2,t3"]
Note 5: The geolocation information is stored in image’s metadata from mobiles or cameras with GPS devices.
Note 6: Some plugins interfere with the shortcodes replacements, and provokes that maps don’t be loaded correctly, in this case should be passed a new parameter through the shortcode print=1
Passing the parameter print=1, displays the map at beginning of page/post content.
Note 7: To display in the Google Map all points in posts with a specific taxonomy assigned, or multiple taxonomies, should be used the “taxonomy” attribute in the shortcode, with the list of all taxonomies separated by the comma symbol, for example: taxonomy=”taxonomy1,taxonomy2″, and a new attribute for each taxonomy with the values corresponding. For example if you want select the points that belong to the posts with the values: “value1” for “taxonomy1”, the shortcode would be:
[codepeople-post-map taxonomy="taxonomy1" taxonomy1="value1"]
for multiple taxonomies:
[codepeople-post-map taxonomy="taxonomy1,taxonomy2" taxonomy1="value1" taxonomy2="value2,value3"].
post_type: In combination with other attributes like: cat, tag or taxonomy, it is possible to load on map only the points that belong to the post types in the list:
[codepeople-post-map cat="-1" post_type="post,page"]
excludepost_type: In combination with other attributes like: cat, tag or taxonomy, it is possible to load on map only the points that do not belong to the post types in the list:
[codepeople-post-map cat="-1" excludepost_type="post"]
kml: Absolute URL (http://…) to a KML file with the Keyhole Markup Language:
[codepeople-post-map kml="http://www.yourwebsite.com/your-file.kml"]
If you want more information about this plugin or another one don’t doubt to visit my website:
Google Maps offers several setting options and is highly flexible. Options can be set up in the Settings page (and will become the default setup for all maps added to posts in the future), or may be specific to each post to be associated with the Google maps (in this case the values are entered in the editing screen of the post in question.)
The settings are divided into two main groups, those belonging to the Google maps and those belonging to the geolocation point.
Google Maps configuration options: