The normal WP Tag Cloud widget only uses one taxonomy at a time, and doesn’t handle the default post_tag or category taxonomies being assigned to custom post types.
With this plugin, you can now configure (on a per-widget basis):
- which taxonomies and post types are to be included,
- the size of the smallest and largest tags (in different font units),
- which terms should always be excluded from the cloud,
- the maximum number of tags to show in the cloud,
- how to order the tags – alphabetically or by number of tagged posts (ascending or descending), or just randomly,
- how to treat tags with just one entry – leave alone, remove them or link directly to that post,
- whether to make links no-follow,
- what case the tags should appear as,
- the widget background and tag background/foreground colours,
- and how long each widget’s output should be saved for, if at all.