Constellation Client Portal

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About Constellation Client Portal

Turn your WordPress site into a professional client portal. Create private pages and posts, and attach private files (example: pdf, jpg, docx, xlsx, e …






updated: 10 months ago
since: 3 years ago
author: ARS


Turn your WordPress site into a professional client portal. Create private pages and posts, and attach private files (example: pdf, jpg, docx, xlsx, etc.) for secure collaboration and document management.

Upgrade to the Pro version and integrate with WooCommerce to accept payments for invoices and services.

Streamline your operation and improve client satisfaction with Constellation Client Portal.


  • Create private pages for your clients, customers, and team members.
  • Create private invoice and file posts for your clients and display them on private client pages, with simple to use shortcodes.
  • Attach private files (example: pdf, jpg, docx, xlsx, etc) to invoice and file posts.
  • Prevent direct access to client files by users, search engines, and bots.
  • Assign WordPress users to Companies.
  • Assign users (example: consultants) to multiple companies to allow them to access files that are assigned to different companies.
  • Easily add curated lists of invoices and documents to client pages via simple to use shortcodes.


  • Automatically redirect clients to their private client page at login (optional login redirect setting).
  • Integrate your invoices with WooCommerce and add a pay button to your unpaid invoices, and accept payments from your customers and clients (requires WooCommerce).
  • Change the Client Page URL base name from “accp-client-page” to a name of your choosing.
  • Automatically send email notifications to clients when a new File or Invoice post is created.
  • Automatically send reminder email notifications on a schedule.
  • Easily customize the look of client-facing lists.
  • Display client-facing lists in list or grid layout.
  • Easily generate, save, and edit file and invoice shortcodes within the plugin settings.
  • Add due dates and past due notices to invoices and files.
  • Further restrict file and invoice access within a company by user and role.
  • Restrict file and invoice category access by user and role.
  • Add internal notes to File and Invoice posts.
  • Export file and invoice lists to CSV.
  • Create global client pages.
  • Create global client files that can be accessed by more than one company.

Use Cases

Constellation Client Portal is your portal for everything, and helps you interface with clients, customers, teams, and groups. It’s professional, extendable, versatile, and is designed to sit at the heart of your organization to save time and lower costs.

Example Use Case Areas

  • Businesses and Professionals – Interface with clients, customers, employees, contractors, and vendors.
  • Freelancers – Interface with clients, customers, contractors, and vendors.
  • Project Managers / Teams – Interface with stake holders, contractors, project members, and vendors.
  • Teams – Interface with team members, staff, affiliates, vendors, and contractors.
  • Groups and Organizations – Interface with group members, and other affiliates.

Shortcodes (Core)

The shortcode parameters, below, are for use with the core version of the plugin. The pro version allows for file and invoice shortcodes to be easily generated, saved, and edited within the plugin settings.

Unpaid Invoice List

[accp_clientinvoices invoice_status="unpaid"]

Paid Invoice List

[accp_clientinvoices invoice_status="paid"]

Invoice Shortcode Parameters

  • invoice_status this is the payment status of the invoice. Accepted Values: “paid” or “unpaid”. Default: “unpaid”.
  • display_number this is the number of posts per page. Accepted Values: any positive whole number. Default: -1 (which displays all posts returned in a query).
  • order_by this allows for lists to be sorted by post title instead of date. Accepted Values: “title” or “date”. Default: “date”.
  • order this allows the sort order to be changed. Accepted Values: “ASC” or “DESC”. Default: “DESC”.
  • show_excerpt this allows for a post excerpt to be displayed with each list item. Accepted Values: “true” or “false”. Default: “false”.
  • excerpt_length this allows you to constrain the number of words, “show_excerpt” is set to “true”. Accepted Values: any positive whole number. Default: null.
  • show_thumbnail this allows the featured image to be displayed with each list item (if a featured image is set). Accepted Values: “true” or “false”. Default: null.
  • thumbnail_size this allows you to choose an image size if the “show_thumbnail” attribute is set to “true”. Accepted Values: any valid thumbnail slug that is available in your theme (ex. “full”). Default: null.
  • align_thumbnail this allows the thumbnail image alignment to be set if the “show_thumbnail” attribute is set to “true”. Accepted Values: “center”, “left”, “right”, “float-left”, or “float-right”. Default: null.
  • show_post_date this allows for the WordPress post date to be displayed with each item in a list. Accepted Values: “true” or “false”. Default: “false”.
  • categories Accepted Values: this can be entered as an Invoice Category Slug or ID, or a combination of those. Separate multiple values with a comma (ex. “21, category-a”). Default: null.
  • link_title Accepted Values: “nolink”. Adding this parameter and setting the value to “nolink” will remove the href from post titles in the list and make them unclickable. Default: null.
  • class Accepted Values: any valid HTML class attribute name or names (separate multiple class names with a space). Default: null.

Document/File List


File Shortcode Parameters

  • categories Accepted Values: this can be entered as a File Category Slug or ID, or a combination of those. Separate multiple values with a comma (ex. “21, category-a”). Default: null.
  • display_number this is the number of posts per page. Accepted Values: any positive whole number. Default: -1 (which displays all posts returned in a query).
  • order_by this allows for lists to be sorted by post title instead of date. Accepted Values: “title” or “date”. Default: “date”.
  • order this allows the sort order to be changed. Accepted Values: “ASC” or “DESC”. Default: “DESC”.
  • show_excerpt this allows for a post excerpt to be displayed with each list item. Accepted Values: “true” or “false”. Default: “false”.
  • excerpt_length this allows you to constrain the number of words, “show_excerpt” is set to “true”. Accepted Values: any positive whole number. Default: null.
  • show_thumbnail this allows the featured image to be displayed with each list item (if a featured image is set). Accepted Values: “true” or “false”. Default: null.
  • thumbnail_size this allows you to choose an image size if the “show_thumbnail” attribute is set to “true”. Accepted Values: any valid thumbnail slug that is available in your theme (ex. “full”). Default: null.
  • align_thumbnail this allows the thumbnail image alignment to be set if the “show_thumbnail” attribute is set to “true”. Accepted Values: “center”, “left”, “right”, “float-left”, or “float-right”. Default: null.
  • show_post_date this allows for the WordPress post date to be displayed with each item in a list. Accepted Values: “true” or “false”. Default: “false”.
  • link_title Accepted Values: “nolink”. Adding this parameter and setting the value to “nolink” will remove the href from post titles in the list and make them unclickable. Default: null.
  • class Accepted Values: any valid HTML class attribute name or names (separate multiple class names with a space). Default: null.

Global Files (Pro)


Company Menu (Pro)


Company Menu Shortcode Parameters

  • excluded_page_ids – this allows for pages that are assigned to a given company to be excluded from the company menu. Accepts a comma separated list of Client Page ID’s. Default = null.
  • list_style – this allows the UL orientation to be changed. Accepts ‘vertical’ or ‘horizontal.’ Default = horizontal.
  • align – this allows for the menu alignment to be set. Accepts ‘left,’ ‘right,’ or ‘center.’ Default = left.


  • Quick Start Guide – Follow the quick start guide to quickly set up the initial foundation for your client portal.
  • Plugin Documentation – View the plugin documentation for other helpful information.


Email technical support is provided for active Pro licenses only.

If you have installed the free version, or do not currently have an active Pro license, you can still view the support forum, and/or post to the forum by registering and logging in.