Cool Coming Soon

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About Cool Coming Soon

Simple, Super Cool Coming Soon and Maintenance plugin with date, time countdown and auto-launch feature. It's fully customizable and provides max …






updated: 7 months ago
since: 7 years ago
author: Atlas Gondal


The Cool Coming Soon plugin allows you to quickly & easily set up a Coming Soon Page. It’s recommended to start new website with coming soon page, and highly recommended to use during maintenance. Admin sometime breaks website, during maintenance or customization tasks. The broken site will leave bad impression on your visitors, and may leak sensitive information such as internal directory structures. You can prevent that, by using this small utility.

This plugin will add a page called “Cool Coming Soon” under Settings. You can navigate there and enable/disable maintenance mode and can customize front-end data along with display options.

Main Features:

  • Easy to use
  • Full control over display (Title, Logo and description)
  • Auto Launch Feature
  • Several Cool Built-in Backgrounds
  • Super Fast

This plugin only uses jQuery, and does not rely on any third part library/package. The main purpose of this plugin was to make simple, super fast and easy to operate plugin.

When we need this plugin?

  • A Simple Coming Soon Page
  • Launching New Site
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Make website offline for any reason / bug


For further information please send me an email.