Custom List Table Example

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About Custom List Table Example

A highly documented plugin that demonstrates how to create custom admin list-tables using official WordPress techniques.






updated: 9 years ago
since: 13 years ago
author: Matt van Andel


This plugin serves as a highly documented example of using WordPress’s built-in WP_List_Table class for plugin development. Previously, WordPress plugins
had to be created from scratch and were often wildly inconsistent with the rest of the WordPress admin. This example serves to help clarify use of the
WP_List_Table class for quickly and easily generating consistent, standardized, feature-rich list-tables for WordPress admin screens.

One new admin menu is created: “List Table Example”. This page includes an example table and all the documentation needed to reproduce it. Developers who
open the PHP file itself will find exceptionally well documented code outlining all the information needed to duplicate this feature.

For more information, please visit the WP_List_Tables page in the WordPress Codex.