Custom Post Type Lockdown WordPress

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About Custom Post Type Lockdown WordPress

Prevents access to single Custom Post Type views and Redirects Search Results - unlock the power of CPTs!






updated: 11 years ago
since: 12 years ago


Often times you use custom post types as bits of content but don’t want people to view them individually, outside their context, or search for them. This plugin does just that, allowing you to choose to redirect people to a different page, and even overwrite search results, on a granular, per-post basis.

This is useful, for example, if you have Staff as your custom post type, for example, but don’t want anyone visiting the single of that staff and instead want them going to a staff overview page.

Three options:
1. Checking “Prevent” next to a custom post type will not allow any single views of that type, and will redirect viewers to another page of your site.
2. Selecting the redirect page will redirect viewers of that single to this page – by default they will be redirected home.
3. Selecting a search overwrite page will replace that custom post type’s results on the search page with your desired page; it will overwrite the permalink and the excerpt.