Custom Script Integration

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About Custom Script Integration

This plugin provides custom meta box to add Google Adword conversion, ads, custom css and scripts in individual pages/posts.






updated: 9 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: WP WOX


This plugin provides custom meta boxes in default Pages and Posts of wordpress where you can enter any scripts for each respective pages or posts, for example:

  1. Google Adwords conversion tracking
  2. Google Adsense ads
  3. Any Javascripts
  4. Page/post specific CSS codes
  5. Normal HTML codes
  6. Unlimited possibilites

You will get a meta box under each of page and post. The Meta box will have 4 Text Boxes, in each section you can add codes for:

  1. Before Content Field
  2. Below Content Field
  3. Scripts to add in tag
  4. Scripts to add in footer below tag

Plugin Documentation: