Custom Simple Rss

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About Custom Simple Rss

A plugin to create your own Custom Simple RSS Feed according to parameters you choose






updated: 3 years ago
since: 9 years ago


1. added – option to choose multiple post types, example: ?call_custom_simple_rss=1&csrp_post_type=page,post
2. added – option to choose multiple post status, example: ?call_custom_simple_rss=1&csrp_post_status=publish,draft
3. added – better documentation (tutorial).

A plugin to create a your own Custom Simple RSS Feed
according to parameters you choose!

*** the best solution for using MailChimp RSS campaigns ***

in simple words:
Ever wanted an rss feed for just a specific Author and specific Category?

Or Even an rss feed for a specific Custom Field ???

Well… now you got it !

The plugin does not alter your default wordpress feeds – it enables you to display feeds on the fly via specific url with pre defined url query parameters.

for example:

display only 5 items from specific category order by name descending:

Filter items by:

  • category id
  • post type
  • post status
  • tag
  • range of dates
  • and even meta keys and values!
  • NEW! filter by custom taxonomy

Order by:

  • name
  • date
  • author
  • ID
  • etc

More Features:

  • number of items to return
  • pagination
  • show post thumbnail or not?
  • set post thumbnails size to display?
  • show post custom fields (espically usefull if your using your rss as an affliate feed)
  • filter by date published or modified