Ajax Side Cart Button for WooCommerce eshop

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About Ajax Side Cart Button for WooCommerce eshop

Add a custom cart button for WooCommerce eshop to boost you sales and help your customers speedup checkout process






updated: 9 months ago
since: 4 years ago
author: extendWP


Custom Ajax Side WooCommerce Cart Button plugin gives the ability to customize the Cart Button and Contents in a more fancy way, positioning on the frontend of your website and can help your customers process the checkout process.

With Custom Ajax Side cart for WooCommerce, users can access sliding cart items fast and checkout faster!

The Plugin extends WooCommerce and allows you to use cart fontawesome icon, change the color of the icon, position of cart icon and content , choose custom image (PRO Version) . In the (PRO Version) you can also position customly via shortcode, or place the cart in a menu and customize the color scheme to your needs.

How I can benefit from it

  • Speed Up Checkout Process and make sliding Cart Visible to your needs
  • Choose icon to show between 3 options from fontawesome icons
  • Automatically popup cart contents for fast checkout (PRO Version)

GET Custom WooCommerce Cart Button PRO to use custom icon, auto popup cart when adding to cart, change the colorscheme and more


  • Select to show Cart on Mobile
  • Select Icon for Cart to show
  • Select the position of the Cart Icon on your Frontend
  • Select the position of the Cart Content on your Frontend – options between sliding from Right, sliding from Left – center as popup in PRO
  • Select to show Cart on Mobile


PRO Plugin Features

  • Add Custom Cart Icon that you upload
  • Option to Hide Cart if Empty
  • Option to automatically show Cart once a Product added to Cart
  • Show Cart as popup in the middle of the page
  • Show Number of Items instead of Amount
  • Show Number of Items with Amount
  • Option to hide total and number of Items
  • Option to show Cart to a menu as link
  • Use Cart as a Shortcode anywhere
  • Customize Colors of Cart Content