Database Backup and check Tables Automated With Scheduler 2024

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About Database Backup and check Tables Automated With Scheduler 2024

Database Backup Made Simple enables one-click backup and scheduled automatic backups. It provides added security with skip-extended-insert.






updated: 11 months ago
since: 2 years ago
author: Bill Minozzi


Database Backup

Do you feel concerned whenever WordPress displays a warning on your dashboard, prompting you to backup your database before proceeding?
Well, worry no more! Just install this amazing plugin and with a single click, your backup is ready.

This plugin offers additional features like check tables and scheduling an automatic daily or weekly backup and determining how long you want to keep the backup files.
The database backup creation process is incredibly fast and secure since the plugin uses mySQLdump to create the backup without compressing the file.
If you prefer, there’s an option to create a separate zip file for the backup.
This helps avoid the nightmare of restoring a backup file if the compressed file is broken.

Additionally, with your favorite text editor, you can edit the backup file and select a single or multiple tables to restore if necessary.

This plugin prioritizes security, and backups are created with skip-extended-insert, ensuring there’s one INSERT statement for each data row.

How to Restore the Database: Free Plugin

How restore normal or very large Database Backup

Cloning or Moving and also How update old URLs and broken links on your database.

If you’re planning on cloning or moving your site, you might encounter issues with old URLs in your content, excerpts, links, and custom fields.
Luckily, with the free Easy Update URLs plugin, you can quickly and easily fix these problems in your database.
This plugin is designed to help you seamlessly update old URLs and prevent broken links or missing content after the cloning or moving process.
So, no need to worry about manually editing your database – the Easy Update URLs plugin takes care of everything for you.
How update old URLs and broken links on your database.


By security, download yours backups to your local computer
or copy to your S3 cloud storage with our cloud plugins below.

Free Plugin for Contabo S3 Object Storage

Free Plugin for Amazon AWS S3 Object Storage

Server Requirements

shell_exec php function available.
mySQLdump available.
phpMyAdmin to restore the Backup (usually the hosting panel has it.)
If you have questions, ask to your hosting company.


This plugin was not tested with Multisite.

Online Documentation of Database Backup

Online Documentation
Demo Video


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Tags Português

Este é um plugin WordPress gratuito simples e fácil de usar para fazer um backup de banco de dados para WordPress. Ele pode criar um backup do banco de dados instantaneamente, com um simples clique, nenhuma configuração é necessária.

Tags Italiano

Questo è un plugin WordPress gratuito semplice e facile da usare per eseguire un backup del database per WordPress. Può creare un backup istantaneamente, con un semplice clic, non è necessaria alcuna configurazione.