We'll create fresh WordPress site with dbview installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Presents the results a database SQL query in a table. The query can be saved as a
named view which can then be embedded as a table in any post using the shortcode
[dbview name=name-of-view]. Views can be created and edited in the dashboard.
Show the ‘world cities’ view with a page size of 50 rows.
[dbview name=’world cities’ pagesize=50]
Show the ‘world cities’ view initially sorted by column ‘city’ in ascending order.
[dbview name=’world cities’ sort=city order=asc]
Show the ‘world cities’ view initially sorted by column ‘population’ in descending order.
[dbview name=’world cities’ sort=population order=desc]
Show the ‘world cities’ view without any pagination.
[dbview name=’world cities’]
Show the ‘world cities’ in the US with a population of greater than 5 million. See FAQ on passing arguments.
[dbview name=’world cities in country’ sort=city order=asc pagesize=10
arg1=’United States’ arg2=5000000]
When the plugin is activated, administrators are given the capability to ‘manage DB views’.
Any other wp user with a different role that needs to create/edit views must be granted that capability.
Only a view that is explicitly checked as public will be visible to non administrators and the public.