Developer Debug Tools

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About Developer Debug Tools

Lots of debugging and testing tools for developers.






updated: 5 months ago
since: 2 years ago
author: Apos37


Developer tools for debugging and testing things as you develop and troubleshoot your WordPress site.

  • View debug.log and error logs directly from admin in your timezone, conveniently combining repeats for readability, and with quick links to search Google for suggested solutions.
  • View additional .txt logs with custom URLs.
  • Quickly clear your debug and error logs with a click of a button.
  • View and download backups of wp-config.php file and .htaccess file from the admin area.
  • Add/remove snippets on the wp-config.php file without editing the file directly.
  • Add/remove snippets on the .htaccess file without editing the file directly.
  • Choose which errors to report to the debug.log (if your host allows it).
  • View and download functions.php file.
  • Toggle wp_mail() failure logging.
  • View and edit user meta, including custom meta, for a given user directly from the admin panel.
  • Add/remove roles for a specific user.
  • View and edit post meta, including custom meta for a given post directly from the admin panel.
  • Clear all taxonomy terms from a given post.
  • View all php.ini values.
  • View detailed information about your PHP’s configuration.
  • View cookies.
  • View scheduled cron jobs.
  • View all site options and registered settings.
  • Clear all or expired transients easily.
  • View available WP global variables with ease.
  • View additional details about active plugins, and see warnings about outdated plugins at a glance.
  • Regex playground with cheat sheet.
  • Enable/disable WP heartbeat from settings.
  • Extend cURL timeout errors easily.
  • Shortcode Finder displays all available shortcodes and lets you search posts and pages where they are used.
  • Additional user and post information on admin bar.
  • View online users to avoid working on the site at the same time as other admins and users.
  • Centering tool added to the admin bar that helps you line up elements on a page.
  • See all shortcodes used on any page from the front-end in the admin bar.
  • If Gravity Forms is installed, see form ids in the admin bar.
  • Replaces “Howdy” on admin bar with your user ID.
  • Adds date/time that the page was loaded to admin bar for comparing two windows.
  • Quick links for debugging users, posts, pages, and Gravity Forms forms and entries.
  • Option to remove items from admin bar.
  • Allow posts and pages to be searched by ID in the admin area.
  • Access to a handful of additional functions and hooks that you can use for debugging.
  • A great list of links to helpful resources.
  • Discord notifications of fatal errors, user page loads, and user logins.