We'll create fresh WordPress site with Digital Raindrops Page Styles installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Easy management of Page Styles per page allowing the blog administrator to set a different style for any page.
Just upload any theme variants to your themes folder, when you choose to swap a style for a page the Page Styles plugin reads the css file.
The Page Styles plugin does not load the whole theme it just loads the Style Sheet for changing colors and graphics.
This pluging does not hide content or sidebars, use theme layouts with the same look and feel.
It would be ideal to split you blog pages, you may want a different style for a section of ecommerce or support pages on you blog.
You may upgrade the plugin via the automated system in WordPress 2.5 or greater, or “old-style” by downloading the new one and then
1. Deactivating plugin
2. Uploading the updated files
3. Reactivating plugin
Table creation Problem has been fixed