Digital Samba Embedded Video Conferencing

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About Digital Samba Embedded Video Conferencing

Video conferencing with Digital Samba Embedded API






updated: 10 months ago
since: 1 year ago
author: Digital Samba


Digital Samba Embedded offers simple GDPR compliant video conferencing and webinars with screen sharing, text chat, closed captioning, virtual backgrounds and much more.

With the Digital Samba Embedded wordpress plugin you can create and manage rooms from the WordPress dashboard.

Any rooms that you create will provide you with a shortcode which you can place into any of your posts or pages. This allows you flexibility to make these rooms visible only after a login or some content restriction such as the completion of a form.

How to configure plugin settings

  • Install and activate the Digital Samba Embedded WordPress plugin
  • Sign up for your free Digital Samba Embedded account
  • Grab your Developer key and Team ID from Team Settings
  • Populate the Digital Samba Embedded WordPress plugin settings page with your Team ID, Domain & Developer Key
  • Click Save and confirm you have connected to your Digital Samba Embedded account

How to create a room

  • Click “Add New Room” from the Digital Samba Embedded WordPress plugin submenu
  • Give the WordPress post a title for reference
  • Give you room a name
  • Then configure room colors and other parameters as you wish; each option is described with some helper text underneath
  • Click “Publish” and your room is created
  • The room can used immediately using the its permalink or you can use the shortcode to embed it on your other wordpress pages.

How to use a room Shortcode block

  • After you have published a room, you will see its shortcode as part the ‘Room Information’
  • You can take this shortcode block and include it in any of your WordPress pages or posts
  • More information on how to use shortcode blocks can found in on WordPress Documentation

Example room Shortcode block

[digitalSamba_room id="927a2a1b-9532-4dcb-b73e-2aa07dc8b4e3" width="100%" height="100%" withtoken="false"]

Shortcode parameters

  1. id [Required]
  2. width [Optional] Default 100%
  3. height – [Optional] Default 100%
  4. withtoken – [Optional] Default false