Variation Price Display For WooCommerce

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About Variation Price Display For WooCommerce

Disable the WooCommerce variation price range and show the lowest price in WooCommerce variable products.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 4 years ago
author: Tanvirul Haque


Are you looking for a way to control the WooCommerce variation price range display on your store?

Variation Price Display for WooCommerce plugin allows you to disable the variation price range and show only the lowest price or the highest price in your WooCommerce variable products.

When you create a WooCommerce variable product with multiple prices, the WooCommerce variation prices are shown as a range like $10 - $99. This WooCommerce product variation price range can be confusing for your customers and bad for sales conversion rates.

With the help of this Variation Price Display for WooCommerce plugin, you can take full control of the WooCommerce variation price range display. You can set different variation prices of your WooCommerce variable product but this plugin helps you to show only the lowest or highest price instead of the full range of WooCommerce variation prices.

It also allows you to adding custom text with the WooCommerce variable price as display variation price prefix and variation price suffix. For example, 'Starting from $19', 'Up to $99', '$49 +VAT'

WooCommerce Variation Price Display plugin helps you control how will display the WooCommerce variable price to your customers in a more user-friendly way.

It’s a lightweight plugin that gives you lots of features such as:

Key Features:

πŸ‘‰ Disable WooCommerce Variation Price Range
By installing this WooCommerce variation price display plugin, you can easily hide price range and show the lowest variation price or the highest variation price in your WooCommerce variable products.

πŸ‘‰ Show Only Lowest WooCommerce Variation Price (Minimum Price)
This plugin gives a way to show only the lowest variation price in your variable products instead of the full range of variation prices.

πŸ‘‰ Show Only Highest WooCommerce Variation Price (Maximum Price)
You may want to show only the highest variation price instead of variation price range, this plugin helps you to display only the highest price in your variable products.

πŸ‘‰ Add Custom Text Before The Price. (E.g. 'From: $50')
When you are showing the lowest price in your variable product, you might want to add text before price in WooCommerce. Using this plugin, you can easily add any custom text before the price. For example, 'From: $9', 'Starting From $19', 'Up to $99'.

πŸ‘‰ Add Custom Text After The Price. (E.g. '$50 +VAT')
This plugin also lets you add WooCommerce price suffix like: '$99 Only', '$49 +VAT', '$50 (Tax excluded)', '$99 with free delivery'. This option will help your customers to make purchase decisions with more detailed information.

πŸ‘‰ Remove WooCommerce Variation Sale Price Strikethrough
Hide the crossed out regular prices and show the sale price as a “regular price” of the WooCommerce variable product sale price.

πŸ‘‰ Remove Variation Clear Link
With the help of this WooCommerce Variation Price Display plugin, you can simply hide the “Clear” link that appears when selecting a variation.

πŸ”₯ Premium Features:

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πŸ‘‰ Instant Update The Main Price When Variation Is Selected
With the help of the PRO version, you can replace the variable price range by the chosen variation price in WooCommerce variable products (change prices instantly).

πŸ‘‰ Enable Discount Percentage Badge With The Sale Price
You might want to show product discount badge when your product variations are on sale, you can display the discount percentage number as a badge on sale alongside the variation price. E.g. -30%

πŸ‘‰ Individual Product Level Settings
This feature allows you to modify the globally added settings in each product. That means, you can replace your globally added price range settings, price title, etc.. from the product level settings.

πŸ‘‰ Keep Enable Default Price Range For Specific Product
This plugin disable the WooCommerce variable product price range for all variable products, but you can keep enable the default display price range from the product level settings for each product.

πŸ‘‰ Control The Variation Price Type For Each Product
There are two options for variation price types, showing the lowest or the highest price. You can control the globally added price type from the product level settings for each product.

πŸ‘‰ Change Globally Added Text BEFORE the Price For Each Product
You can easily replace the globally added variation price title “From:” by inserting new custom text from the product level settings for each variable product.

πŸ‘‰ Change Globally Added Text AFTER the Price For Each Product
Yes, you can also replace the globally added variation price suffix by inserting new custom text after the price for each variable product from the product level settings.

πŸ‘‰ Many more feature are coming soon…

If you have any suggestions for improvements to this plugin, please let us know your feedback, we will try to add it.