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About DisableMU

Redefines the location of the /mu-plugins directory to ensure that no code published to the default location will automatically run on your website.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Dave McHale


Redefines the location of the /mu-plugins directory, via writing constants to your wp-config.php file, to ensure that no code published to the default location will automatically run on your website.

Since many site administrators are not using /mu-plugins, we want to be sure that no mu-plugins “suddenly” appear on our website due to their nature: auto-activation is BAD when you didn’t intend for code to be there!

DisableMU is not for every website. Many development houses, system admins, and hosting companies have very legitimate uses for /mu-plugins and have built business plans around utilizing this feature of WordPress. By installing and activating DisableMU on your website, you may break things. Please exercise caution and only utilize this plugin if you know what you are doing. As with most plugins, DisableMU is written with the intent of being helpful but you are responsible for its use or actions on your own website.