Earn Money From Cuttin.US Services WP Plugin

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About Earn Money From Cuttin.US Services WP Plugin

Description: Monetize your WordPress site or blog with Cuttin.US/services shortlinks. Automatic Shorten a URL in content post using Cuttin.






updated: 10 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Cuttin.US


Description: Monetize your WordPress site or blog with Cuttin.US/services shortlinks. Automatic Shorten a URL in content post using Cuttin.US and get earn money. This plugin can convert automatic your links to Cuttin.US, no need to do it manually.


  • Enable/Disable Cuttin.US plugin
  • Convert outgoing links (out links or all) links to Cuttin.US or disable
  • Include or exclude domain list
  • AD Entry script: Enable/Disable
  • Ad type: Intestitial/Banner

    You will need an Cuttin.US/services User ID. To get it, login to Cuttin.US go to http://cuttin.us/services/referrals.php and find ?r=xxxx. xxxx is your Cuttin.US User ID.


No donations accepted from now on.