Easy Chart Categories

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About Easy Chart Categories

This is a WordPress plugin that provides a WordPress shortcode that will display your categories in a chart and another that will display your tags.






updated: 12 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: Sarah Vessels


This is a WordPress plugin that provides a WordPress shortcode that will display your categories in a chart and another shortcode that will display your tags. This plugin requires that the Easy Chart Builder plugin by dyerware is installed and activated. See what it looks like on my blog.

This plugin is also available in my Github repository.


Show top 12 most popular categories in a pie chart:


Show top 12 most popular tags in a pie chart:


Show the first five categories, sorted by name, without counts, using custom colors, and with a summary data table of counts:

[easychart_categories showcounts="false" groupcolors="556270, 4ECDC4, C7F464, FF6B6B, C44D58" number="5"
    orderby="name" order="ASC" hidechartdata="false"]<h3>Options</h3>

See options for the WordPress function get_terms() and for the Easy Chart Builder plugin. Also:

  • showcounts – Show or hide the count for each category/tag. Valid values: true, false. Defaults to true.