Easy Custom Login

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About Easy Custom Login

You can fully customize your WordPress login page with Easy Custom Login plugin.






updated: 9 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: DuoGeek


Tired of watching the same WordPress login page every time? Need to change logo at the top of login form? Want custom background on login page? Want lots of other really necessary stuffs? This plugin is the best and most easy way to customize your WordPress default login page.

1. Set custom background image
2. Upload or give custom image URL for custom login background
3. Set custom color as login page background
4. Set custom logo above login form
5. Upload or give custom image URL for custom login logo
6. Remove “Remember Me” link
7. Remove “Lost Password” link
8. Remove “Back To…” link
9. Set custom URL where users will be redirected after LOGIN
10. Set custom URL where users will be redirected after LOGOUT
11. Add custom message over the login box
12. Set custom font color for login box text
13. Set login box background color