Easy Email

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About Easy Email

The easy way to fix WordPress emails not sending or going to spam. Setup on only takes a few minutes.






updated: 7 months ago
since: 7 months ago
author: Wicked Plugins


Are emails from your WordPress site not sending (or going to spam)? Use Easy Email and never worry again if your emails are getting through. It only takes a few minutes to set up and there’s no complicated settings to configure—simply install the plugin and we’ll guide you through the rest.


  • Set up in just a few minutes
  • Instantly fixes common WordPress email problems such as emails not sending or going to spam
  • Works with all popular plugins that need to send emails including Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, WP Forms, Ninja Forms, WooCommerce, etc.
  • No SMTP server/account required
  • No need to set up/configure SPF, DKIM, DMARC, etc.

How to Get Started

  1. Install the Easy Email plugin
  2. Go to Settings > Easy Email and click the ‘Connect’ button
  3. Follow the prompts to create your free Easy Email account


Please see the FAQ section for common questions or visit the support forum if you have a question or need help.