Easy Meta Builder

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About Easy Meta Builder

The fastest and easiest way to add meta fields to WordPress.






updated: 7 years ago
since: 7 years ago


The fastest and easiest way to add meta to WordPress. Easy Meta Builder helps you add custom meta fields to post types without the need for a developer. Add extra fields to user profiles to collect data such as addresses, phone numbers, social media links and more.

Upgrade to Easy Meta Builder Pro and get advanced fields, sliders, and Beaver Builder modules!

Includes 27 awesome fields!

  1. title – a large title (useful for breaking up sections of fields in metabox)
  2. text – a simple text field (large sized)
  3. text small – a simple text field (small sized)
  4. text medium – a simple text field (medium sized)
  5. text email – a text field which enforces an email address
  6. text url – text field which enforces a url
  7. text money – text field with dollar sign in front of it
  8. textarea – a simple textarea (large sized)
  9. textarea small – a simple textarea (small sized)
  10. textarea code – a simple textarea with code formatting
  11. radio – simple radio buttons
  12. select – simple select dropdown
  13. checkbox – a simple checkbox
  14. file – Image/File upload
  15. wysiwyg – TinyMCE editor
  16. text date – Date Picker
  17. text time – Time picker
  18. select timezone – Time zone dropdown
  19. text date timestamp – Date Picker (UNIX timestamp)
  20. text date time timestamp – Text Date/Time Picker Combo (UNIX timestamp)
  21. text date time timestamp timezone – Text Date/Time Picker/Time zone
  22. color picker – Color picker
  23. radio inline – simple inline radio buttons
  24. dashicons radio – radio buttons populated with dash icon icons
  25. taxonomy radio – radio buttons pre-populated with taxonomy terms
  26. taxonomy radio inline – inline radio buttons pre-populated with taxonomy terms
  27. multicheck – A field with multiple checkboxes