Easy Object Cache

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About Easy Object Cache

Easy Object Cache provides APC user caching functionality if not available on your server, and lets you control the drop-in plugin object-cache.php.






updated: 7 years ago
since: 8 years ago


Easy Object Cache is a simple and efficient plugin desgined to do just two things:

  1. Generate and set up the so-called drop-in plugin named object-cache.php based on your settings.
  2. Provide Alternate PHP Cache user data caching functionality (APCu) functionality, if your sever doesn’t have it.

The drop-in plugin object-cache.php can be installed, manually, as described in APCu Object Cache Backend. However, for automated and configurable installation, you may want to use Easy Object Cache, especially if you do not have APC or APCu installed on your server. In fact, this plugin reuses the code (although modified) from APCu Object Cache Backend.

Pro Version

In addition to the fully functional Lite version, Easy Object Cache also has a Pro version, which gives you more control over how the plugin works, with these extra features:

  1. Full control over caching parameters like time to live (TTL), cache size and location for the APCu functionality that the plugin provides.
  2. Ability to clean the database of transients for possible performance improvements.