Easy Pinterest for WordPress

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About Easy Pinterest for WordPress

An easy way to add recent Pinterest posts to your WordPress website as a widget.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 12 years ago


This is an early version of the Easy Pinterest widget for WordPress, please let me know at http://thisismyurl.com if you have suggestion how to make it better.

The plugin adds a 300px wide Widget to your website which fetches your Pinterest RSS feed and displays the images on your website. Currently, you can select the number of images to display, the account to fetch and the title of the Widget.

Under the Settings > Easy Pinterest page, you can also choose to block Pinterest from indexing your website.

At the moment, it fetches once per day.

This plugin is maintained by Christopher Ross, http://thisismyurl.com or you can find him on Twitter at http://twitter.com/thisismyurl/


Updates to the plugin will be posted here, to http://thisismyurl.com/downloads/easy-pinterest-wordpress/


If you would like to donate to help support future development of this tool, please visit
Christopher Ross at http://thisismyurl.com/downloads/