Easy Quick Order

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About Easy Quick Order

Create your orders easily & quicky for your woocommerce powered shops, and for existing or new users. Apply a flat discount or a coupon code insta …






updated: 4 years ago
since: 4 years ago
author: Ezy


Create your orders easily & quicky for your woocommerce powered shops, and for existing or new users. Apply a flat discount or a coupon code instantly.It will save time and create a new order more smoothly.
Order form name & email will fill up instantly if the user is already existed.And for new user along with name, email, & phone number, a 12 digit password will be auto generated.

WooCommerce customer specific pricing would make your customers increase their shopping experience and attract them more to earn their personalized benefits.
The strategy is a sure way that brings conversions and also helps you to preserve your brand value.So you can offer customer specifc flat discount or a coupon code instantly.