Easy SVG Support

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About Easy SVG Support

This Plugin allows you to upload SVG Files into your Media library.






updated: 3 months ago
since: 6 years ago


Direct Upload SVG Files into WordPress

EASY SVG Support is a Plugin which allows you to upload SVG Files into your Media library. This plugin was created for persons, who don’t need much options for SVG.

Features of the plugin include:

  • Uploading SVG Support for WordPress
  • Easy installation
  • Display SVG Files in the Media Libary
  • SVG Sanitize Files direcly
  • SVG Sanitize – Custom Hooks for Tags and Attributes
  • Updated for the new WordPress Gutenberg Editor
  • Support for PHP 8.2

Documentation & Support

Got a problem or need help with Easy SVG Support? Than you can write me an e-mail:

[email protected] or you can ask your question in the forums section.