Easy Video Publisher

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About Easy Video Publisher

Easy Video Publisher quickly publish YouTube videos, use to Import YouTube videos from one or multiple YouTube channels.






updated: 8 months ago
since: 3 years ago
author: uriel


This version of Easy Video Publisher is no longer under active development. Please use Easy Video Publisher Pro.

Easy Video Publisher lets you quickly publish YouTube videos, use to Import YouTube videos from one or multiple YouTube channels.

Automatically set featured image and embed the video, use a custom title, or use the original YouTube video title.


  • Create posts from YouTube channel
  • Manually run Import to create new posts
  • Schedule posts or publish immediately.
  • Set custom post type
  • Set post status to publish, draft
  • Set post author
  • Use Multiple API Keys
  • Use YouTube Tags As WordPress Tags
  • Automatically Import and Set Featured Image
  • Exclude Video If It Already Exists
  • Set YouTube author as post author