Product Table – Easy Digital Downloads

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About Product Table – Easy Digital Downloads

A simple plugin that will help you build product table for Easy Digital Downloads






updated: 3 years ago
since: 3 years ago
author: AddonMaster


No need to add any code on your theme core file. Just plug and play. A simple plugin that will help you build product table for Easy Digital Downloads. You can use Product Table on your blog posts, pages, Sidebar widget area or whatever you want using shortcode.


  • No need to put any code on theme files
  • No need add_action or add_filter hooks
  • Plug and Play
  • Customizable Shortcode
  • Shortable Table
  • Add to cart button
  • Quantity Button
  • Product Thumbnail
  • Variable Price Support
  • Product Title column
  • Content Column
  • Price sorting

Default Shortcode


Hide table header

[eddpt thead=false]

Hide table footer

[eddpt tfoot=false]

For hide any column use the column key in shortcode like this.

Hide Thumbnail column

[eddpt hidecol=thumbnail]

Hide content column

[eddpt hidecol=content]

Hide title column

[eddpt hidecol=title]

Hide price column

[eddpt hidecol=price]

Hide Add to cart button column

[eddpt hidecol=cart]

Hide multiple table column

[eddpt hidecol=thumbnail,content,title,price,cart]