Email to Image

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About Email to Image

Avoid to get the email addresses in your blog to be indexed by spambots in a fancy and very efective way.






updated: 10 years ago
since: 15 years ago
author: Arturo Emilio


This plugin is used to prevent spiders collect email addresses from your blog for the sending of spam. Actually spambots are crawling the web in a nonstop to collect as many email addresses as possible. That could make your personal or commercial email that you could put in your blog spammed from those crawlers. Also is a security risk because allow automatons to try by brute force access to your blog in an automatic way.

This will be solve with this plug. The email addresses will be swap with a highly efective and optimiced way for images. The name, and meaning will be encripted so, only a human could read those. I think this could be the perfect protection for your email without using the very complex way Recaptcha uses.

The page will not show the emails, not int the excerpt or comments, widgets, feeds neither.

The names are encripted so it will be more dificult to recognice the emails.

If you like this plugin and have some sugestion or wish some new function just drop by my page and live a comment: Comment about my plugin in my homepage.
If you found any bug or see any weird behavior in your blog, please use the wordpress forums, i check them regulary Suport or Bugs Reports.