Enhanced Comment Validation

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About Enhanced Comment Validation

Enhanced Comment Validation plugin is an effective security solution that protects your WordPress comment form.






updated: 9 months ago
since: 2 years ago
author: Mukesh Panchal


Enhanced Comment Validation plugin is an effective security solution that protects your WordPress comment forms from spam entries while letting real people pass through with ease. It provides an option for enabling/disabling validation for the comment fields and the validation message and the option for reCAPTCHA Version 3, Version 2, Invisible are included.

Users are required to fill required fields and confirm that they are not a robot before the form can be submitted. It’s easy for people and hard for bots.

Just a few clicks of setup and keep your site spam-free.

Features of Enhanced Comment Validation

The plugin is bundled with the below features.


Option for enable/disable comment form validation.

Validation Message Styles

The plugin gave three options for the validation message.

  • Border only
  • Custom Message only
  • Border and Message both

Validation Option and Message Setting

The plugin has enabled/disabled options for Comment, Name, Email, and Website. For those fields, it allows adding custom validation messages.

Recaptcha Theme and Badge Position

Now you can set theme color for the Recaptcha and Badge position for Invisible Captcha and V3.

What’s Next

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