My Digital Clock

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About My Digital Clock

Adds a digital clock to a page or post using a shortcode.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 1 year ago
author: ERA Solutions


This plugin adds a digital clock to a WordPress page or post using the shortcode [my_digital_clock]. The clock is customizable with shortcode attributes for the text color, background color, border color, and font size.

To learn more about this plugin and its features, please visit our plugin page.

Shortcode Attributes

The following attributes are available for the [my_digital_clock] shortcode:

  • textcolor – The text color of the clock (default: #ffffff)
  • backcolor – The background color of the clock (default: #000000)
  • bordercolor – The border color of the clock (default: #ffffff)
  • fontsize – The font size of the clock (default: 40px)

Example: [my_digital_clock textcolor="#ff0000" backcolor="#0000ff" bordercolor="#00ff00" fontsize="50px"]