ESPN Headlines

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About ESPN Headlines

A simple widget to display the latest ESPN content by sport and league.






updated: 12 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: David Pean


Add ESPN Headlines from a wide variety of sports to your blog. Easily choose your favorite sport and enhance your sidebar
with high quality up to date sports content.

This plugin utilizes the ESPN API, and has all the supported sports/leagues as they are made available.

Currently includes: NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, NCAA Football, NCAA Basketball (Men’s and Women’s), Soccer (lots of global leagues),
Golf, Tennis, Auto Racing, Boxing, MMA

Note: Requires ESPN Developer API Key. You must also agree to ESPN’s terms and conditions of using the API,
including giving attribution (the logo will automatically appear at the bottom of the widget) and not having any
ads within the page that includes their content.