Events Ads Banner

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About Events Ads Banner

Banner designed for Advertising and Events(text,links,images and videos).Personalizzabile shape, position, color; supports multilingual and roles.






updated: 7 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Fabio M.T.



This plugin creates one or more* customizable Banner for advertising, events, communications, etc.;
You can add images & videos* to the title, subtitle, description and links to the event

The banner can be set open as default option in the home page, as well in the whole website,
or as closed in the other pages of the website.

You can pre-set publication time and removal for scheduled events*.

You can manage simultaneously different banners*, giving them an order, or a rotation by ID priority

This plugin supports multilinguage, is WPML compatible.

Banner Settings

It is possible to full-customize general settings (for all the banners) or individually for each banner*.

It is possible to customize: text formatting, paragraph, background colors, window position*, orientation (vertical / horizontal)* and banner size*, label form*.

Little Guide, Forum and much more

Click here for a little guide – “Events Ads Banner” o
per la versione italiana clicca su guida – “Events Ads Banner”.

Dalet Group/Gruppo Dalet here can view my works and for any question contact me on my personal forum:

“Events Ads Banner” Forum /
Forum “Events Ads Banner” – It.

Special Thanks

BeB Digital Architecture for providing graphics adjustments.


I’m working to do this.