Excalibur Paywall

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About Excalibur Paywall

Excalibur is the best and most affordable content monetization software on the market. Easiest plugin to configure with the most features.






updated: 5 years ago
since: 6 years ago


Excalibur is a service that enables you to start selling your content with a free plugin that is easy to install and setup. It helps businesses monetize, manage and grow revenue into digital world. We offer a game changing highly configurable & independent platform. It is a safe and secure paywall with all the required flexibility that a digital publisher expects at the fraction of the cost of other vendors.
Excalibur is the best way to drive revenue on your site through paid subscriptions. Your visitors can either pay for individual pieces of content or purchase subscription access to your entire site. This model has been very beneficial for companies like NY Times and it could be for you too.

Any site, large or small, can use Excalibur to easily build a new revenue stream from paid content. We’ve seen that a simple paid content plan can quickly surpass what you can earn from advertising,
even if you’re only selling access to a small percentage of your site’s content. As both audiences and business models change over time, using a provider with a flexible and easily extensible architecture will be invaluable. Allowing you to experiment with new content offering and settings in the future is what we developed. We have a demo page you can check out here: https://lightbox.astroexcalibur.com/lightbox/demo/pages/sidebar-left.html

Some of the great features that are available to all clients:

  • Options to adjust meter limit on the fly.
  • Ip exclusion (single or range allowed with limitations) to allow free access to staff or licensing your content
  • Customer dashboard where they can update their passwords, information.
  • Functionality to enable/disable paywall
  • Social media tracking
  • Cookie-less browser content protection
  • Incognito mode
  • Ad Blocker/Web and referral traffic statistic
  • Customer Service interface for managing customer accounts to issue refunds.
  • IOS/Android SDK to power content protection for you mobile apps.

Excalibur plugin can also be used as donation tool, or user management feature to help your site keeps track of customers. This flexibility can allow you to focus on your business
and let us handle users and payments logic for you.