iThemes Exchange – Custom Loop Add-on

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About iThemes Exchange – Custom Loop Add-on

Create a custom loop for your product store pages, add selections, grid/list view and more.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 10 years ago


This add-on for iThemes Exchange adds the ability to create multiple loops for the products (store) page, including grid/list view selection, pagination, data selections and order by functionality. It allows you to create product category pages, pages per product type etc.

To create a new store page, in the wp-dashboard go to pages, “add new” (or edit an existing page) and tick the box to enable the custom loop. Do not use the Exchange store shortcode on that page.

Add Grid / List View

Set a default view, either List view, or Grid view. Define how many columns you want in a grid, and how much padding between the items. Define at which viewport width a Grid view should transform in List view.

Add Pagination

Set the number of products per page, and the Previous / Next Page text.

Data Selections

Select one, more, or all Categories, or Product Types.

Sort Order

Set a default Sort order for the products. Order by date, price, name, or use the Exchange default.

Frontend Options

Enable or disable a grid/list button for the store, so the user can dynamically change the view. Enable or disable a “order by” dropdown, so the user can change the order in which products are displayed.

New fields to add content before or after the loop

This allows you to use a wysiwyg editor to add content before or after the custom loop. Add (for instance) introduction text for your categories or downloads, a slideshow, a video, anything you can thinks of. And at the bottom of your loop, add a newsletter subscription form, social / share and whatever else you wish to add.

New in 1.0.11

Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where editing the Exchange templates would result in an infinite loop
Minor bug fix

New in 1.0.10

Compatibility Fix: Updated constructor to prevent warnings in PHP 7

New in 1.0.9

Minor bug fix

New in 1.0.8

Fixed version

New in 1.0.7

Minor bug fixes

New in 1.0.6

Fixed an issue that caused a (harmless) notification when wp_debug is enabled
More localisation enhancements, and I added Serbian translation, kindly provided by Ogi Djuraskovic from

New in 1.0.5

Is a minor update that enhances translation abilities

New in 1.0.4

Added wysiwyg fields to add content before and after the loop, as well as preserve existing page content and show the loop before or after existing content.

New in 1.0.3

Fixed an issue where the Default Grid/List View setting wasn’t being applied when frontend view wasn’t enabled

New in 1.0.2

  • You can now choose the text (if any) to display in front of the sort order dropdown
  • Added grid/list option “none” to not affect an existing loop at all, so no need to choose either grid or list. It will default to the Exchange default. Note that this will disable the grid/list selections.
  • None relevant options are “greyed out” based on selections made.


Translators, you are invited to translate the plugin, send the translated files over, and I will add your translation to the plugin, with an attribution.

It is common issue with plugin translations that (custom) translations will be overwritten on plugin update. To prevent this, if you have a custom translation, or customised an existing translation, copy the relevant translation (.mo) file to wp-content/languages/plugins/exchange-addon-custom-loop/ The translation file should be named “rvw-exchange-addon-custom-loop-{locale}” where {locale} is your language locale, e.g. de_DE or nl_NL.