Extend Search Block

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About Extend Search Block

Extending WordPress Search block with search results modifier fields.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 1 year ago


Extending WordPress Search block with search results modifier fields.

What problem does it solve?

Do you want to narrow search results to a specific post type only?
Do you want to narrow search results to a specific category/tag/taxonomy term only?

Extend Search Block plugin provides additional search results modification fields solving these issues!

In Search block settings sidebar simply choose which post type should the search form look for. You can also choose a taxonomy and a dropdown with the taxonomy terms will be displayed in the search form on your website front-end to further narrow down the search results.

(Note that this plugin only alters WordPress Search block, not the PHP get_search_form() function.)

Got a question or suggestion?

In case of any question or suggestion regarding this plugin, feel free to ask at support section, or at GitHub repository issues.