Fast Post Lists

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About Fast Post Lists

Provide shortcodes to display a filtered list of posts, grouped by category/tag, with optional thumbnails.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 8 years ago
author: Arthur Yarwood


Fast Post Lists provides additional shortcodes to include a list of posts within another post or page.
Key features are:

  • Filter posts by a search query
  • Filter posts by category, via an inclusion or exclusion list of categories
  • Filter posts by tag, via an inclusion or exclusion list of tags
  • Order posts by a post field of your choice
  • Limit the number in the list, e.g. to show the 10 most recent posts
  • Group posts by category or tag, with subheadings displayed for the category or tag
  • Full control to configure list CSS styles, HTML per post and HTML at the start and end

Shortcode Usage

The shortcode to use in your posts or pages is:


By default, this will query all posts and sort by post title.

Below are some examples of how each of the parameters can be used:

List only posts that match the search keyword ‘stuff’

[fu_postlist search=’stuff’]

List only posts that match the search keyword ‘stuff’ but don’t have the keyword ‘rubbish’

[fu_postlist search=’stuff -rubbish’]

List only posts within the single category ‘Spiders’

[fu_postlist cat=’Spiders’]

A single category can be listed by name or by id.

List posts within the categories Spiders or Dogs

[fu_postlist cat=’Spiders,Dogs’]

List posts within the categories Spiders and Dogs

[fu_postlist cat=’Spiders+Dogs’]

List posts not within the categories 10 or 12

[fu_postlist notcat=’10,12’]

Categories to exclude must be listed as a comma-separated list of id’s.

List posts with either the tags ‘rain’ or ‘shine’

[fu_postlist tag=’rain,shine’]

List posts with both the tags ‘heavy’ and ‘metal’

[fu_postlist tag=’heavy+metal’]

List posts without the tag ‘trouble’

[fu_postlist nottag=’trouble’]

Limit the number of posts listed to 10

[fu_postlist maxposts=10]

A value of -1 or the parameter omitted entirely means all.

Group posts by category. The category name will be inserted as a subheading at the start of the group

[fu_postlist groupby=cat]

Group posts by tag

[fu_postlist groupby=tag]

Order posts by post title (default behavior)

[fu_postlist orderby=’title’]
However, you may order by ‘ID’, ‘author’, ‘name’ (post slug), ‘date’, ‘rand’ etc.

Of course, you can mix and match many of these parameters to your heart’s content.