Demo | Support forum
- Submit feature suggestions from front-end by registered user or guests
- Like/Dislike for features
- Vote and multiple votes for features
- Time based and Numerical limitation for voting to features
- 4 type of features status (Open, Approved, Declined, Completed)
- Threshold for changing status of features automatically
- Internal CAPTCHA
- Attachment for features
- Advanced and easy to use settings for controlling new features submitting, Emails, vote limitation and etc.
- Archive page and custom page with shortcode to viewing list of features request.
[feature_request hide_submit=”off” hide_votes=”off” hide_voting=”off” groups=”2,5,12″]
[feature_request_user_votes hide_total=”off” hide_remaining=”off” groups=”2,5,12″]
Compatible Browsers
- IE9+
- Firefox
- Safari
- Opera
- Chrome
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