Filter Anything

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About Filter Anything

Filter Anything allows you to create custom filters & it can filter all types of posts and users data.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 1 year ago
author: Vardaamâ„¢


Filter Anything offers Advance filters for any POST or USER data. You can instantly create any type of Directory with your choice of filters in different layout options using a simple shortcode.

At a glance, this plugin adds the following:

  • Instant Directory creation using shortcode
  • Ajax pagination
  • Multiple Layouts like: Fullwidth or Sidebar
  • Adjustable Grid column count in results
  • Filter any post type by: Meta field, Taxonomy, Title & Content, Post Date, Author or your own custom query
  • Filter any user type by: Meta field, Display Name, Email, Username, Registration date, Role or your own custom query
  • Supports changing Directory wise Label & button Titles
  • Set Order By and Per page count of the resulted data
  • customize look and feel by adding Quick CSS

Filter Anything acts as a standalone Directory to show your advance custom filters and results in your own choice of format.

Advance Usage (For Advance Users)

It’s very easy to modify result item template and to add your own custom query by using Filters:

Filter for modifying entry html (xx is filter id)

function example_callback( $html, $entry ) {
    return $html;
add_filter( 'wfa_directory_entry_html_xx', 'example_callback', 10, 2 );

Filter for modifying filter query args (xx is filter id)

function example_callback( $args, $filters, $form_data ) {
    return $args;
add_filter( 'wfa_directory_query_args_xx', 'example_callback', 10, 3 );

Form submit to another page

For showing only form and submitting on another url use following shortcode example

[wfa_filter id="xx" submit_url=""]