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About Foodlist

Allows you to build restaurant/bar/café menu.






updated: 7 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Artprima


Foodlist is a plugin for restaurants, cafés, bars, etc. that want to display their menus online. With this plugin you can easily manage your menus (the same way as you do it with your widgets).

Menus consist of sections and sections consist of items. You can reuse your items in multiple sections, as well as sections can be reused in multiple menus.

Menu tags are used to mark some of your menu items (healthy, spicy, or something else), you can set multiple tags for your menu item, if you want.

The plugin also includes template editor and css editor that will let you make the plugin look and feel as the rest of your site.

This plugin is already bundled with some demo data so that you could see how it works without setting up the test content.

Moreover, when you don’t need the demo content you can easily remove it with one click.

See the screenshots tab for more details.