FTP to Zip

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About FTP to Zip

FTP to Zip takes browser based FTP backup of WordPress plus other folders. Proper error messages are shown if there is any defect in the installation.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: Abhishek_Ghosh


FTP to Zip takes browser based FTP backup of WordPress plus other folders. Basically it uses PHP ZipArchive class ZipArchive(); which can not be used without shell access directly.

This Plugin is intended for the advanced users – either block the downloadable zip file via .htaccess or take an alternative measure. The Plugin is fail proof and is powerful, but usage must be judicial.

The first script checks and shows up your WordPress Installation root. Depending upon the size of your FTP content, it can taken few minutes to few hours to complete the process and will create a zip file on the root where the script is made to run. On the next screen, you will get the option to download it to your computer as well.

FTP to Zip works nicely on Rackspace Cloud Sites, it should work on any LAMP server (Server component are ? Linux Apache PHP MySQL) with good hardware backend.

Advanced Usages

‘backup.php’ is the important file. I have added comments for easy understanding. The important points are given here for reference :

Specific Functions

For the file ‘backup.php’ :

Line 23 : $sourcefolder is set to root. You can change it yourself.
Line 25 : $timeout is the maximum php execution timeout. It sets ini_set(?max_execution_time?, $timeout); on Line 34.
Line 24 : $zipfilename is the name of the backup zip as output. You can change it as you like. Calling another php function will give pretty name increasing the load (its quite logical).
Line 38 : $zip = new ZipArchive(); is the main action we are doing with FTP to Zip.
Line 71 to Line 88 : The PHP functions are wrapped inside h1 to show the page title as per the situation.

Here is detailed guide on Official WebPage of FTP To Zip , Simplify the Backup of FTP Content.
Your Feedback is valuable. This plugin will work even if you have lost access to login to WordPress or it is unsafe to login (in case your site is under attack).

At any issues, please check the plugin’s official support page at :

FTP To Zip official webpage.

Screen Shot Guided Tutorial :

How to use FTP To Zip
Support is free as well. Simplify Backup of FTP Content. FTP to Zip is available in GitHub and Google Projects as WordPress FTP Full Backup, if you are a developer and want it for usage for other CMS or want to add features, simply download and proceed.