We'll create fresh WordPress site with FV Antispam installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
FV Antispam is a powerful and simple antispam plugin. FV Antispam moves any spambot (machine written) comments directly to the trash and allows Akismet to just deal with human spam.
What makes FV Antispam better than any other solution is the very low CPU load. FV Antispam will not burden your hosting or slow down your server. Other effective antispam plugins may get your hosting cancelled. Really. It happened to us, that’s why we wrote FV Antispam.
Our studies on our own sites have shown that for every 50 human spam comments a popular weblog will have up to 10,000 machine generated spam. With FV Antispam, Akismet finally becomes a usefull tool again allowing you to browse your spam folder and pull out any Akismet false positives. If you use just Akismet, bots fill your whole spam folder with thousands of comments. It’s nearly an impossible task to browse through hundreds or thousands of comments to find one or two false positives.