f(x) SSL

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About f(x) SSL

Simple SSL(HTTPS) Plugin.






updated: 8 years ago
since: 9 years ago


f(x) SSL is a very simple plugin to force your site to use HTTPS.

After installation of this plugin, you can enable this in “Settings > General” under “SSL (HTTPS)” Section.


  1. Super simple and easy to use. Only one checkbox.
  2. Clear installation instruction.
  3. Integrate to the WordPress “General” Settings seamlessly.
  4. Fix URL in content, widget, etc to use HTTPS to make sure all images, etc loaded properly.
  5. The GPL v2.0 or later license. 🙂 Use it to make something cool.
  6. Support available at Genbu Media.
    Notes for developer:


Development of this plugin is hosted at GitHub. Pull request and bug reports are welcome.


This plugin save the options in single option name: fx-ssl.


List of hooks available in this plugin:

filter: fx_ssl_notice_fail (string)

Plugin activation notice if feature is not supported.

filter: fx_ssl_notice_success (string)

Plugin activation notice if feature is supported.

filter: fx_ssl_notice_active (string)

Plugin activation notice if feature is supported and already active.

filter: fx_ssl_settings_section_description (string)

Settings description.

filter: fx_ssl_fix_url (string)

If you need to pass other URL to parse to content, excerpt, text widget, etc.