Genesis Footer Builder

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About Genesis Footer Builder

Genesis Footer Builder allows you to customize the site footer just as you want. This plugin exclusively works with Genesis framework.






updated: 5 years ago
since: 10 years ago


Genesis Footer Builder helps you customize the site footer with ease. No more tinkering with functions.php; just configure the plugin options to update the site footer.

After activating the plugin, go to plugin settings page and start customizing the credits text, brand name, copyrights date / duration. You can additionally include privacy policy and disclaimer pages in the footer credits.

The plugin also allows you to add a footer menu to the site.

You can configure the options and go with the plugin default credits text or you can completely customize it using the Custom Footer Copyrights area in the plugin. The Custom Footer Copyrights area allows you to use valid HTML markup and supports the use of shortcodes. Along with Genesis shortcodes, you can use your custom defined shortcodes as well. In addition to this, Genesis Footer Builder also provides shortcodes for each of the options you set-up in the plugin.

Genesis Footer Builder allows you to:

  1. Specify custom brand name for use in the footer credits, which otherwise defaults to the site title.
  2. Specify the copyright year or duration to be included in the copyright notice. Defaults to current year.
  3. Select and set Privacy Policy and Disclaimer pages from the dropdown for use in the footer information.
  4. Set Genesis Affiliate link to be used in the footer credits text.
  5. Customize the footer credits text completely (in case the plugin’s default credits text doesn’t work for you).
  6. Set-up and display a footer menu on the site.

Add Privacy Policy and Disclaimer pages

Yes, you read it right. If you want to add Privacy Policy and Disclaimer page links in the footer information, just select the pages from the dropdown and save the settings. Bingo! The footer information will then include Privacy Policy and Disclaimer pages.

** You can now customize the linked text for the Privacy Policy and Disclaimer links. **

Shortcodes for extra customization

Genesis Footer Builder offers various shortcodes for using the options that you set-up on the settings page. Now, when you want to set-up your own custom credits text, you can use these shortcodes in the Custom Footer Copyrights area (to display the values of the available options) and customize the text to your liking.

Fully translation ready

Genesis Footer Builder is now all set to be translated into any language. To translate the plugin to your own language, you can use the genesis-footer-builder.pot found here: genesis-footer-builder/languages/genesis-footer-builder.pot. You can use any translation editor like Poedit to edit the translations in your language. However, you need to take care of the file name conventions while saving the translation file. For example, when translating the plugin to German language(de_DE), you will need to save the translation file as genesis-footer-builder-de_DE.po. Once translated, move the genesis-footer-builder-de_DE.po and to genesis-footer-builder/languages/ directory.

You can also drop in the .po and .mo files in the WordPress languages directory under the parent folder genesis-footer-builder so that the plugin is translated to your language.