Genesis Simple Comments

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About Genesis Simple Comments

Genesis Menu options with custom menu, categories, pages, and primary/secondary nav extras.






updated: 12 years ago
since: 13 years ago
author: Nick_theGeek


Genesis Simple Comments adds a new menu item to the Genesis menu allowing for easy changes to the Genesis Comments including:

  • Comment Title
  • No Comments Text
  • Comments Closed Text
  • Pings Title
  • No Pings Text
  • Avatar Size
  • Author Says Text
  • Comment Awaiting Moderation Text
  • Enable Aria Required Attribute Option
  • Display Author Field Option
  • Author Field Label
  • Display Email Field Option
  • Email Field Label
  • Display URL Field Option
  • URL Field Label
  • Replay Label
  • Notes Before Form
  • Notes After Form
  • Submit Button Label

This plugin requires the Genesis Theme Framework

Special Thanks

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to all the folks at StudioPress, their themes make my life easier.